
Oviedo 2024 Neon Jungle Spec Sheet

Heather Delong   407-451-0834

Oviedo High School
 601 King St

Once you pull into the school there’s a loop on the left.. towards the right there’s double doors that lead into the campus. The old gym is past those doors a bit to the left.

Part 1: DMX address


Part 2 : Power

There’s a press box. You’ll actually set up on the gym floor this year under the wall where the press box is. You’ll drop power from the press box. The left and right side of it are separate circuits. There may be power behind you as well.

  1. Press box to the left: Speaker, lights
  2. Presss box to the right Subs
  3.  Outlet behind you: DJ and hazer (Hazer at 618).

Part 3: Setup

___ Tape the cables and secure them coming from the press box so the gravity doesn’t make them come unplugged! Please write “will tape and secure” in chat!

___ Set an alarm at 10:00PM to turn the hazer at 601 to empty it out!

___ No DMX on any lights. Plug black lights in and they will turn on.

___ Hang mirror ball in the center with the motor. Then use the Boom arms (those metal arms with clamps) about 4′ from each side of the mirror ball. Then on the edges of the boom arms, connect the IKON PROFILES. Make the beam as wide as possible an aim at the mirror balls.

__ White Spherion will on on the top part of the truss (center); angle it a tiny bit down and tighten that clamp down

___ The other two half disco balls go on opposite sides,

___Speakers: Make sure the HPF button is ACTIVE and turned on. The speaker gain knob can be anywhere from 12:00-1:00 position. Write your favorite condiment in the Facebook chat so I know you read this.

____ Photos: Please get photos of the final product. I want to see everything: Gobos, video screen, pipe and drape, etc. 

Please note: I am NOT paying anyone to be on their Instagram or Snapchat. HOWEVER DO NOT NEGLECT the 4SO Instagram!!!! This applies to ALL employees!

Please post a few GOOD photos of event on IG. Login: 4SOProductions pass: rur0ckin1

____ TOUR VIDEO: Have someone “host” a video talking about the setup. Introduce it as “hey I’m _____ with 4SO!” Then talk about everything you’ve set up. Say “visit 4SOProductions.com for more info. Thanks!” at the end!


Any issues: write them here: